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August 13, 2019

Oscar’s Arrival | Chapel Hill Birth Center Birth

I’m so excited to tell you this birth story! When I found out that Caitie was pregnant, I could not have been more excited! Caitie and I have known each other for 7 years – we met when we worked together at a restaurant/wine bar. It feels like we’ve both grown up so much since then and seeing her become a mother was just so special!

Caitie knew what she wanted for her birth experience after having the opportunity to work at the birth center as a nursing student the summer before. It was so great chatting about birth as she prepared to meet her boy.

It was a Saturday morning when I got the text from her that she thought she was in labor. She’d been working through contractions during the night but didn’t know if it was time to head to the birth center or not. I encouraged her to listen to her body and not doubt herself just because she’s a first time mom. Around 9am, they headed to the birth center and it was confirmed that labor had begun – she was 4cm and 50% effaced!

I quickly packed my car and headed their way – the drive was about 1.5 hours so I wanted to go ahead and get there! When I arrived, Caitie and Wes were laboring together using the birthing ball. Caitie was all smiles and just genuinely excited to get to experience labor and birth and meet her baby soon!

Labor continued to progress well as Caitie took it all in, often taking time between contractions to comment on how amazing and weird the whole process was. She moved from the tub to the bed to the ball and listened to her body well. It was beautiful to witness.

At some point, Caitie decided that she was hitting exhaustion and needed something to help her rest for a bit. Her midwives offered her Nubain (a narcotic IV pain medication) and she took about 4 hours to get some good rest while I had dinner and sat in the waiting room.

When I was asked to come back, Caitie was completely refreshed! She was at 9cm, but you’d never know it – she was smiling and joking and had completely hit her stride. I’ve never seen a momma so strong and positive during labor, especially at 9cm. The pure excitement to meet their sweet boy was palpable!

Over the next few hours, Caitie worked so hard to finish strong. She listened to her baby and her body, moving around the room to bring baby down. She felt the urge to push and decided to see which position felt best. She started in a side-lying position, which worked for a while. Then she tried pushing on her hands and knees and felt the most comfortable there. As she started pushing, her bag of waters broke and we knew baby would be here SO soon!

Throughout her labor, Caitie had voiced that she was *hoping* to have a February 9th baby because she liked how “2-9-19” sounded better than “2-10-19.” As the night went on, we all thought he wouldn’t be here before midnight. Even Caitie thought she’d have to give that idea up. So when sweet little Oscar arrived at 11:59 on February 9th, we were all so pleasanly surprised! He had to keep his momma on his toes, but Caitie got her 2-9-19 baby!

The pure BLISS on mom and dad’s faces when their son was born is something I’ll never ever forget! These two are such wonderful, thoughtful parents and I’m so honored to have captured the arrival of their first baby!

Oscar Grady | 11:59pm on 2.9.19 | 7 lbs 6 oz

Caitie, Wes, & Oscar: I love you all so much and I’m so grateful that you’re in my life. You’ve created a beautiful life and a wonderful home for your little family! It’s been an honor being a part of your journey!

To read more birth stories, click HERE. To inquire about having me photograph the day you meet your baby, click HERE.

  1. […] getting texts that contractions were starting and things may be happening. I had photographed a birth that weekend and thankfully got through it before I got the call that Megan and her husband, Jack, […]

  2. […] Oscar: This momma was one of the most positive and excited laboring moms I’ve ever photographed. In between her contractions, she would say things like “this is so cool!” or make jokes with her husband. Baby Oscar was born into his mommas arms and was welcomed with huge smiles from both of his adoring parents. Read his full birth story HERE. […]

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