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November 18, 2016

Maverick Paul’s Arrival

Winston-Salem Birth Photographer

Winston-Salem birth photographer

I’m so excited to share this birth story with you! Emily and I went to elementary school together. When she reached out about birth photography, I jumped at the chance to document such a sweet time in her life! She was expecting her first baby – a little boy – and I couldn’t wait for October to get here so I could document his birth.

As October neared, we were planning our move to Winston-Salem and I started to get nervous that baby would come at a stressful time. I worried about having to turn our moving truck around or even missing the birth altogether (don’t worry – I have amazing backup birth photographers)! Luckily, little Maverick came at the perfect time – the last weekend before we moved! Emily texted me around 2:30am on the morning of October 2nd, only one day past her due date – “I’m in early labor I do believe!” She’d had some bloody show around midnight and contractions started shortly after that. The excitement started to build and I couldn’t focus on anything else – I just wanted to head to the hospital!

Emily and her husband, Matt, made their way to the hospital around 4:30am (they live about an hour away) and were admitted by 6am. She was already 4cm dilated and 90% effaced! I decided to stay put a little longer and told her to text me with updates. A couple hours later, she let me know that she’d received an epidural and was enjoying some rest. The doctor had also broken her bag of waters, so I made preparations to leave knowing how quickly things can progress after that! I arrived around 9:45am, coffee for Matt in hand, and walked in to a room full of family and excitement. Emily’s parents were there talking about the excitement to come and discussing her mother’s birth experiences.

Film Processing: Indie Film Lab

Winston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographer

At about 11am, Emily was dilated to 5cm and the nurses started a low dose of Pitocin to keep things moving. She ate a popsicle after not being able to eat at all since contractions started. I love watching the excitement build in a labor room. Matt was hoping for a Redskins win, Emily hoped things would continue to progress well, and they both couldn’t wait to meet Maverick! I let Emily get some rest and headed down to the cafeteria for lunch. Around 1pm, Emily was checked again. She was open to 7/8cm so I went back up to the room to snap a few more shots before it was time to push!Winston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographer

It was very obvious that Emily was getting close to the second stage of labor when she started feeling pressure through her epidural. She was no longer comfortable and asked for the nurse to check her dilation. Around 3:20pm, the nurse told her that she’d dilated to 10cm and it was time to push! The nervous excitement filled the room as Emily found the strength to start pushing. She worked with her nurse to figure out how to push effectively to bring baby down. Little Maverick was still pretty high up in the birth canal so Emily knew she had a lot of pushing to do.

Winston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerwinston-salem-birth-photographerwinston-salem-birth-photographerwinston-salem-birth-photographerwinston-salem-birth-photographerTwo and a half hours passed and little Mav had not moved much. Two and a half hours of pushing through exhaustion and pain, two and a half hours of pure strength, two and a half hours of disappointment. Emily and Matt desperately wanted to meet their son. After two and a half long hours, the tearful decision was made to have a surgical birth. Emily gave all her strength to the pushing stage of labor and didn’t feel that she could keep going. Matt’s support of her decision and his calm demeanor made such a huge difference for Emily. No matter what came their way, these two were so amazingly united and strong throughout the entire process.


I was told that I wouldn’t be allowed back into the OR, so I sent my camera with Matt. I later learned that he was too focused on supporting Emily in the operating room (and rightly so) that he forgot to take any photos! Luckily their nurse thought to take my camera and grab a few shots after Maverick had arrived. At 6:23pm, Maverick Paul Bell was born. Welcome to the world, sweet boy! The love your family has for you in incredible!

8 lbs. 7 oz. | 20.5 inches

Winston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographer

I love this shot above of Matt bonding with his brand new son! I’m also grateful to have been welcomed back into the recovery room as Emily held Maverick for the first time. It was pure joy on her face!

Winston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWhile Emily and Matt got settled into their postpartum room, Emily tried nursing Mav for the first time. Their families waited patiently outside. Once they were allowed in to meet Maverick, the joy in the room was palpable. I just love capturing these first moments of a growing family!

Winston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographerWinston-Salem birth photographer

Emily and Matt, I’m in awe of you: your strength, your love, and your adorable little blonde-haired boy! I’m so happy to have been able to document your journey to parenthood.

To see more birth stories, click here.

For more information about hiring me to capture your birth, click here.

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