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March 1, 2017

Amelia Everly’s Arrival | Baby and Company Birth

Baby and Company Water Birth

baby and company birth

I think this birth story will always be dear to me for a few reasons.

  1. Ann is a sweet friend of mine and it was amazing to see her birth her baby in such a beautiful way.
  2. This was my first time photographing a birth at Baby & Company, which is where I went for all of my prenatal appointments and most of my labor with Finn. You may remember that I missed my niece’s birth at Baby & Co. back in September so I was so excited for another chance to shoot there.
  3. This birth was very healing for me. Ann and I had similar first labor experiences and watching her have such a wonderful experience the second time around gave me hope!

You can read Ann’s perspective on her birth experience HERE.

baby and company birth

Each and every birth I photograph is special in it’s own way. In fact, I keep a running list of “firsts” from all my births. But my favorite births will always be the ones during which my clients are fully respected and supported; births where mom finds the strength that was in her all along. My passion behind documenting birth is to show women how birth truly CAN look. It can be determined by YOU, the mother, not any doctors. It can be empowering. Even for moms who have medical issues or high risk pregnancies, there are ways to create the birth experience you desire. I hope what comes across in the stories I tell is simply this: birth is beautiful.

Early Labor

After weeks of texting about prodromal labor, it seemed like things were actually happening on January 20th, a couple days before her estimated due date. Ann went to the birth center to be checked for dilation around 4:30pm and found that she was at 4cm. When she texted me this, my first reaction was that she’d be disappointed or discouraged, but I was so happy to find that she was VERY excited! With her first labor, she’d only progressed to 1cm in 15 hours so this was music to her ears!

She and Patrick decided to go grab dinner, walk around, and see if they could get things going. They eventually went home to rest before labor really got going. Ann told me that whenever they did head back in to the birth center, she definitely wanted me to come. I was so happy I’d decided to drive into Raleigh earlier that day.

So at 11pm that night, I finally got the text that they were headed to the birth center and wanted me to join them. I arrived around midnight, a few minutes before Ann and Patrick, and was able to document them walking in:

baby and company birthbaby and company birthbaby and company birth

Once inside, the two midwives, Mandesa and Danielle, talked Ann through a couple contractions, monitored baby’s heart rate, and checked Ann’s dilation. They found that she was still only 4cm, 50% effaced, and baby was at 0 station. Ann desperately didn’t want to drive home and I’m so glad they allowed her to stay to see if baby would move down once she got into the birthing suite.

baby and company birth

baby and company birthbaby and company birth

Active Labor

Once in her birthing suite, Ann began to talk to us about how she felt like she couldn’t do this anymore. I stood back in awe as Mandesa and Danielle stepped up and talked her through each contraction. Not only were they reminding her to relax her muscles and breathe through each wave, they were also telling her that once she was in active labor, things would move much quicker. Ann was so incredibly strong and this birth team was amazing. I’m so honored to have been a part of this birth.

baby and company birth

Ann instinctively got on her hands and knees and within minutes felt baby move into a better position. Amelia was in an OP position (read more about fetal positioning HERE) so it was so amazing to see Ann work to get baby in a better spot to move down the birth canal! The image below is what midwifery care looks like – they care about you, your baby, and your birth <3

Once the water was at the right temperature, around 1am, Ann was excited to hop in the tub. And things moved rather quickly from here. The relief was immediate and obvious. Laboring in the water is known as “the midwife’s epidural” because of it’s amazing pain relief effects.

The tub is where Ann really found her groove. She worked through each contraction and was able to rest in between. Patrick was so supportive and was right there next to her the entire time. At 2am, Mandesa checked Ann’s dilation and excitedly announced that she was at 8cm, 100% effaced, -1 station and baby would be here soon! Only 20 minutes later, dilation was complete and Ann’s body started bearing down.

baby and company birth

Second Stage (or Pushing Stage) of Labor

After less than 5 minutes of active pushing, Amelia Everly arrived! I’ll never forget Ann’s reaction – relief, followed by shock, followed by tears, followed by utter joy.

Amelia Everly Tobler

Born on January 21, 2017 at 2:25am

7 pounds 1 ounce | 20 inches long

They soon moved to the bed and started their new life as parents to this beautiful baby girl. Amelia latched on and began nursing only 20 minutes after she was born. She continued nursing off and on until I left around 5:30am!

Dear Tobler family, I hope you know how much I love you all and how honored I was to document Amelia’s birth! Thank you for everything!

To see more birth stories, click HERE.

To get in touch about having me document your birth, click HERE.

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