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November 1, 2016

Baby R’s Arrival

 Birth Photography on Film

winston-salem birth photographer

Back in April, I met with a sweet couple expecting their first child to discuss photographing their baby girl’s birth. It was so evident that we were all on the same page. I was so excited to hear that they loved my photography and valued birth photography in general.

M’s due date came and went and I stayed in touch with her, reminding her that she wouldn’t be pregnant forever. She had a false alarm on her due date: contractions started in the morning buy faded by that afternoon. A few days later, at her doctor’s appointment, she learned that she was 1-2cm dilated and 90% effaced (great progress!) but no more contractions. As her induction grew closer, she went into labor at 40 weeks and 6 days! I was so happy to get that text from her: “…having some intense contractions this morning!…”

They arrived at the hospital around 2:30pm to find that she was dilated to 5cm and was admitted by 3pm. I quickly grabbed my things and headed that way. Her husband told me that she was handling the contractions well but starting to have some back labor. Things were definitely getting more intense! When I arrived around 3:30pm, everyone was in great spirits. Lots of smiles and conversation about the sweet baby on the way made for such a sweet birthing environment. M had mentioned that her ideal birth atmosphere would be “calm, quiet, and simple” and I think that was definitely accomplished.

Film Processing: Indie Film Lab

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Around 5pm, M’s sweet nurse checked her and found that she had progressed to 6-7cm, 90% effaced, and 0 station. For those of you who may not know what these terms mean, HERE is a very helpful article that explains it well, but basically this means baby was moving down! Things were definitely intensifying as M neared transition – she decided taking a walk might be a nice way to pass the time and keep baby moving.

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After returning to the room, M had a couple very intense waves and made the decision to get some IV medication for help with the pain. She soon felt some relief and laid down to rest. There was a night and day difference: she was on the phone laughing with her mom and telling her that baby would be here soon!

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The pain medication started to wear off and M’s contractions were getting stronger. At this point, I had left the room to give them some privacy, but her husband texted me to let me know that the anesthesiologist was heading up to give her the epidural. At about 8pm, the doctor broke her bag of waters and she was dilated to 8-9cm. It was almost time!

At 9:55pm, she was dilated to 10cm and ready to push! The excitement was palpable and these new parents braced themselves for the biggest moment of their lives. This strong momma pushed for about 1.5 hours: I think she would say this was the hardest part. The pushing stage can be so exhausting and many mommas feel like their efforts are getting them nowhere. But as soon as that teeny, squishy babe is born, it all fades away and every minute was so worth it!

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Their sweet baby girl was born at 11:36pm weighing 8 lbs. 2 oz. and was 21 inches long.

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M and Z requested that I not share any images of their daughter online. They would prefer that she be in control of how she is portrayed on the internet when she’s older. As a birth photographer, I will always respect your wishes when it comes to sharing such an intimate event. Congratulations to this sweet family: Baby R is so beautiful!

To see more birth stories, click here.

For more information about hiring me to capture your birth, click here.

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